In this Week’s Episode, Art Del Cueto shares his thoughts on the number of Agents that are taking the Retirement Door and leaving the agency however Art shares respect towards those agents and the frustrations they may have felt while serving. Krysten Sinema has been named the victor in the Senate serving Arizona in the challenging race between McSally and Sinema.

Art shares a story reported in the media about gearing up for incoming invasion of those wanting to rush the borders and enter into the United States Illegally. The media has misconceptions of the role of Border Patrol Agents and doesn’t understand the mindset of those wanting to enter the United States through illegal means.

The case against Lonnie Swartz continues with protesters taking the streets during the trial. Art shares some thoughts on those protesting and the message it sends to those wanting to enter the country illegally.

It’s certainly seems like the management, the decision makers at DHS and Chief Provost have made promises for the Agents however most seems to be argued about facial hair and the type of boots agents can wear. When do the Retention Bonus’s and Leave take concern for those at the Top for those boots on the ground doing the work of the Border Patrol. Art shares some scary amounts of money spent on foreign aid to countries South of the Border, a waste of money that could be spread out to Border Patrol Agents for the work they do 24/7. Art gives us his best Movie Critic impression with a recommendation for Venom. A Shout out to those agents in the San Diego station.

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